Saturday, 20 December 2014

Operation Transformation

If your hair needs a make over, look no further. 

Book with Joanne today or buy a gift voucher. 

Call Joanne on 085 7460751 or check out our website for services

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Before & After Shots

Amazing creations at Fusion Hair Salon - book now.

The Benefits of Adding a Conditioning Treatment to Your Next Hair Appointment

For just €10 more at your next appointment you can add in a gorgeous hair conditioning treatment. Check out the difference above.

Before Pictures

Some before pictures of a hair style that has been exposed to home colouring. We all think that we can save a little money and time in colouring our own hair.

8 Reasons Why Not To Use Box Colour

1) Unpredictable Results
Let’s face it, most of you box color users out there did not attend cosmetology school, and are lacking what we in the business call the “laws of color.” You probably aren’t sure exactly what color your hair is when the color is processing, or when to take off the color to achieve your most desired result. You probably don’t know what colors to mix to cancel out undesired tones in your hair, and we don’t expect you to. But, because of these reasons box color is more like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.

2) One Size Does Not Fit All
So, let’s think about this logically. Box color is formulated so that everyone and anyone can use it, but not everyone’s hair type, condition or color is even remotely the same. In fact, most box dyes are formulated with maximum amounts of pigment and developer, so that it is able to work on most people. The chances are if you have already dyed your hair previously, your processed hair isn’t going to need that strong of a developer; don’t damage it more by getting one size fits all, box color. You do not want this ‘one size fits all’ mentality when choosing your hair color, give yourself customization and expert knowledge, and seek a hair professional who will be able to accurately create a color for you and only YOU!

3) Regrowth Troubles
Again, you probably thought your regrowth would look like the rest of your head because that’s what the pretty lady on the box looks like, right? WRONG! I know this may seem repetitive, but it’s all about the ability to customize. Your regrowth is virgin hair, and the remainder of your head is more than likely already processed, or has seen some damage due to UV exposure or styling. Think you can pair up a good box color for your regrowth and pair it with the right box color for the rest of your hair without look like two different colors? Didn’t think so, leave it to the professionals.

4) Box Color Is Only One Color
This idea ties in both Number 2 and Number 3. We already know that your regrowth will need a different color formulation than the rest of your head, but how about when you want some actual dimension? Or how about if you want a hair color that takes a little more skill than an all over color application, like the much sought after, ombre look? You will not be able to achieve that with the one color present in a box. Note: Most hairdressers never use less than 2 different colors to mix your desired color – customization!

5) Ammonia

As an ammonia-free hair color company, this is an issue near and dear to our hearts. Most permanent hair color from a box works through the use of ammonia. The corrosive nature of ammonia allows it to blast open your hair’s cuticle, allowing the new color particles to penetrate the hair, and irreversibly changing the hair’s pH to an undesirable level. When the hair’s cuticle has been blasted open with ammonia it has difficulty closing back up. Think about it, an unclosed cuticle means major damage/split ends and inability for the hair to lock in color (fading). And guess what? The more you use ammoniated color, the more your hair will fade, causing you to dye your hair more often, causing hair and wallet distress. Not to mention that ammonia damages the hair’s natural Tyrosine levels; Tyrosine is a naturally occurring amino acid that makes up the protein in your hair and is responsible for the natural pigment. Hey, that’s not all! Ammonia damages your scalp’s sebaceous oil glands, inhibiting its ability to create the hair’s natural oils that contribute to your hair’s much needed moisture. Remember this formula for healthy hair: Protein + Mositure + Proper pH, and what did we just learn? Oh, yeah, ammonia destroys the balance of all of those essential components of your hair.